So much is happening in the world of Kid in Outdoors and Casting Carter. Want to know where his next appearance will be or what the latest news is in the world of outdoor adventures? Check it out!
6/11/15 - Activist Angler - Seven-year-old Casting Carter Wants to Teach Kids to Fish
6/3/15 - Casting Carter Presents to the Hooksett Kiwanis Club (video)
5/25/15 - Tim Moore Outdoors TV "Episode 2: Groundfishing with Casting Carter"
5/18/15 - Haddock and Pollock and Redfish, Oh My(Filming of Tim Moore Outdoors TV)
5/5/15 - Fish Nerds Podcast "Ghetto Omelettes, Missing Paddlefish and Mr. Carter" (starts at 59 minutes)
4/24/15 - Ski Spinner Prostaff Announcement
4/15/15 - Terminal Angler, Dave Maynard "A Small Inspiration In a Big Way"
4/4/15 - Liquid Mayhem Prostaff Announcement
3/22/15 - New Pro Products Prostaff Announcement
2/17/15 - Celebrating the Fab Attendees of the 2014 A-Ha Summit
January 2015 - Kid In Outdoors & Casting Carter Honored as the "Business of the Month" by the CWBA at Southern New Hampshire University - 10 Video Interviews Online Here
BASS Bassmaster Elite 2017 Lake Champlain - working tournament
FLW 2017 Lake Champlain - working tournament
BASS Bassmaster Northern Open 2016 Lake Champlain - working tournament
FLW 2016 Lake Champlain - working tournament
7/29/15 - 8/1/15 - Working at the FLW Rayovac Series, Plattsburg, NY
7/24/15 - Filming Casting Carter Adventures TV, Mount Wachusett
7/22/15 - Supporting Strategies Networking Manchester, XO on Elm
6/29/15 - 7/12/15 - Filming Casting Carter Adventures TV, Lake Champlain
6/24/15 - Striped Bass Seminar with Tim Moore Outdoors, Kittery Trading Post, Kittery, ME
6/19/15 - Kittery Trading Post Kayak Demos & Striper Fishing with Tim Moore Outdoors, Kittery, ME
6/12/15 - Filming Casting Carter Adventures TV, Kittery, ME
6/12/15 - Shark Rigging & Fishing Seminar, (attending), Kittery Trading Post, Kittery, ME
6/6/15 - Why Knot Fishing, Take a Kid Fishing Day at Little Harbor Boathouse, Marblehead, MA (Casting Carter Special Guest)
6/3/15 - Speaking at Hooksett Kiwanis Club
5/22/15 - Filming an episode for WBIN's New Hampshire's Wild Side with NH Fish & Game
5/20/15 - Striper Fishing Seminar w/ Tim Moore Outdoors and Daddy Mac Lures, Kittery Trading Post
5/16/15 - Haddock Fishing with Tim Moore Outdoors TV and Hardcore Anglers, Kittery, ME
5/15/15 - 2nd Annual Why Knot Fishing Season Launch Party, Peabody, MA
4/25/15 - Fishing Flea Market, Londonderry, NH
3/31/15 - Nashua Rotary Club - Featured Presenter
3/26/15 - CWBA at SNHU Entrepreneurs Forum
11/14/14 - Taking the stage at the A-Ha Media Summit
9/20/14 - NH Fish & Game Discovery Day, Concord, NH - Exhibitor
8/2/14 - Bassmaster Northern Open - Lake Champlain
7/20/14 - FLW Rayovac Series Lake Champlain